
Full-time or part-time faculty members who intend to retire are required to notify the university in writing. These written notices are processed through the College Dean's Office.

Sample Retirement Letter for Temporary (Full- or Part-Time) Lecturers

Please consult with Human Resources and CalPERS to plan your retirement.

SDSU Human Resources / Benefits Services
[email protected]
CHR Virtual Front Desk

7676 Hazard Center Drive, Ste 350
San Diego, CA 92108
CalPERS Retirement Planning Checklist

Retirement Presentation Slides 2023

Faculty Emeriti

From the University Senate Policy File:

Emeritus status is a right extended to all eligible faculty and staff. Emeritus status brings with it continued affiliation with the institution and specific benefits. Emeritus status, and its accompanying benefits, have associated responsibilities. In order for emeritus status and/or benefits to continue, an emeritus employee must remain in good standing with the University.

Eligibility: Faculty employees shall have served 10 or more full-time years, or the part-time equivalent, either continuously or at different times at SDSU or elsewhere in the California State University (CSU) system and must be eligible to activate their annuities from the CSU system.

  1. A department chair or school director may nominate a retiring lecturer to the Dean of the College.
  2. The Dean submits a letter of nomination to the Chair of the Faculty Honors and Awards Committee explaining the reasons for awarding emeritus status to this individual.
  3. The Faculty Honors and Awards Committee shall vote on the merit of candidate nominations, and those candidates approved by the committee will be presented to the Senate for approval.
  4. Should the Senate approve the nomination, the Provost will send a letter to the retiring lecturer announcing the award of emeritus status.
  • Listing in the General Catalog: The names of Emeritus faculty are listed in the back of the General Catalog and at the appropriate department location in the body of the catalog.
  • Health and dental coverage: If enrolled at the time of retirement, Emeritus faculty will continue to receive the State contribution to health and dental benefits.
  • Retention of faculty I.D. card: Emeritus faculty continue to be issued a faculty ID card (indicating Emeritus status) and are entitled to all faculty privileges requiring possession of an ID card.
  • Library: Emeritus faculty retain all Library privileges available to active teaching faculty. Although general availability of carrels in the Library is extremely limited, Emeritus faculty can apply through their home department for the use of Library carrels for temporary fixed-length assignments.
  • Foundation services: Emeritus faculty may continue to submit proposals through the Foundation and serve as principal investigators/project directors on grants and contracts. They retain access to grant development services including proposal development consultation and use of the Foundation Grants Library.
    Office space: Emeritus faculty may apply to their respective College Deans for office space, which may be assigned as available.
  • Faculty-Staff Club: Emeritus faculty who were current dues paying members of the SDSU Faculty-Staff Club at the time of their retirement are automatically granted dues-free membership for life, which entitles them to the same discounts and free use of FSC facilities that they enjoyed before retirement. Non-members may also join the FSC but at the usual monthly or yearly faculty-staff rates.
  • Faculty/Staff Discounts: Emeritus faculty are entitled to all discount privileges made available to active faculty, i.e., discounts on all athletic tickets, season tickets or tickets on a game-by-game basis. SDSU discounts for theatre productions may also be available through Performing Arts Box Office.
  • Bookstore discounts: Emeritus faculty may receive special discounts at the University Bookstore.
  • Computer facilities: Computer facilities are made available to Emeritus faculty, subject to the same limitations that are currently applied to active faculty. Emeritus faculty seeking use of computer facilities should apply through Telecommunication and Network Services.
  • Recreational facilities: Emeritus faculty are entitled to use all campus recreational facilities requiring possession of a SDSU ID card.