
Tenured faculty members who intend to retire are required to notify the University in writing. These written notices are processed through the Office of Faculty Advancement and Student Success (FASS).

Faculty shall prepare their written notice according to the appropriate template below and submit to their chair/director for routing and approval. Do not submit this letter directly to the President. The faculty member, chair/director, and dean must sign before forwarding to FASS for processing.

Approval signatures obtained via AdobeSign should be routed as follows:

  1. Faculty member
  2. Chair/Director
  3. Dean
  4. Faculty Advancement and Student Success ([email protected])

Please consult with Human Resources and CalPERS to plan your retirement.

SDSU Human Resources / Benefits Services
[email protected]
CHR Virtual Front Desk

7676 Hazard Center Drive, Ste 350
San Diego, CA 92108
CalPERS Retirement Planning Checklist

Additional Retirement Information

Tenured faculty members who intend to retire are required to notify the University in writing. These written notices are processed through the Office of Faculty Advancement. Eligible tenured faculty are to submit their requests with ample time for their department/school and college to plan for the transition.

Sample Retirement Letter for Tenure-Track Faculty (Probationary and Tenured)

FERP provides eligible tenured faculty unit employees the opportunity to retire and continue to work for a maximum of five (5) years at 50% of their regular time base (based upon the year immediately prior to retirement). Employment shall be at the same rank and salary (step) level in the academic or fiscal year immediately prior to retirement. FERP faculty are permitted to establish a “period of employment” in either the Fall or Spring semester, or 50% throughout the academic year. Appointments will commence at the beginning of the academic year.

FERP librarian faculty employment shall not exceed 960 hours. The permissible “period of employment” is to not exceed 50% of the librarian’s work year in the year immediately preceding retirement, or 50% of the librarian’s regular time base in the year immediately preceding retirement. Appointments will commence at the beginning of the academic year.

Faculty intending to FERP must be of normal retirement age to participate in the program. This is based on the faculty member’s CalPERS retirement formula (2@55, 2@62, etc.). Please consult with Human Resources and CalPERS to determine your retirement eligibility.

If a tenured faculty member wishes to retire and enter FERP, it must be specified in a letter. Eligible tenured faculty are to submit their requests with ample time for their department/school and college to plan for the transition.

According to Article 29.2, an eligible tenured faculty unit employee shall notify the President in writing at least six (6) months prior to the beginning of the campus academic year that they opt to participate in FERP. The President may waive the required notice period.

Sample Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) Letter

PRTB provides eligible tenured faculty unit employees, who are between the ages of fifty-five to sixty-four (55-64) and who have worked full-time for the CSU for ten (10) years (with at least five (5) years of continuous full-time employment) immediately preceding program entry, the opportunity to work a reduced time base (33%, 50% or 66%) while earning full service credit towards retirement. The maximum appointment is for five (5) consecutive years. Appointments will commence at the beginning of the academic year.

PRTB faculty who have completed the maximum of five (5) years in the program must either submit their notification to retire or request to return to full-time employment.

If a tenured faculty member wishes to retire and enter PRTB, it must be specified in a letter. Eligible tenured faculty are to submit their requests with ample time for their department/school and college to plan for the transition.

Sample PRTB Request Letter

From the University Senate Policy File:

Emeritus status is a right extended to all eligible faculty and staff. Emeritus status brings with it continued affiliation with the institution and specific benefits. Emeritus status, and its accompanying benefits, have associated responsibilities. In order for emeritus status and/or benefits to continue, an emeritus employee must remain in good standing with the University.

Eligibility: Faculty employees shall have served 10 or more full-time years, or the part-time equivalent, either continuously or at different times at SDSU or elsewhere in the California State University (CSU) system and must be eligible to activate their annuities from the CSU system.

The Office of Faculty Advancement submits names of tenured faculty to the Faculty Honors and Awards Committee (FHAC) upon receipt of their notification to retire/retire and FERP. Emeritus status is granted by a formal action of the Senate, via vote. The Office of the Provost will provide an award letter to those faculty who are granted emeritus status.

The privileges of emeritus status include:

Listing in the General Catalog: The names of emeritus faculty are listed in the back of the General Catalog and at the appropriate department location in the body of the catalog.
Retention of SDSUid/Email Account: Emeritus faculty are entitled to retain their accounts. More information can be found here.
Retention of Faculty I.D. Card: Emeritus faculty are issued a faculty ID card (indicating emeritus status) and are entitled to all faculty privileges requiring possession of an ID card.
Library: Emeritus faculty retain all Library privileges available to active teaching faculty. Although general availability of carrels in the Library is extremely limited, emeritus faculty can apply through their home department for the use of Library carrels for temporary fixed-length assignments.
Computer Facilities: Computer facilities are made available to emeritus faculty, subject to the same limitations that are currently applied to active faculty. Emeritus faculty seeking use of computer facilities should apply through Telecommunication and Network Services.
Office Space: Emeritus faculty may apply to their respective College Deans for office space, which may be assigned as available.
Parking: Emeritus faculty may obtain a free yearly permit at Parking & Transportation Services with their valid emeritus ID. FERP faculty or faculty continuing employment are not eligible for free parking. Please contact Parking and Transportation Services annually to request a permit.
Recreational Facilities: Emeritus faculty are entitled to use all campus recreational facilities.
Foundation Services: Emeritus faculty may continue to submit proposals through the Foundation and serve as principal investigators/project directors on grants and contracts. They retain access to grant development services including proposal development consultation and use of the Foundation Grants Library.
Faculty-Staff Club: Emeritus faculty who were current dues paying members for the 24 continuous months preceding their retirement are granted dues-free membership for life.
Faculty/Staff Discounts: Emeritus faculty are entitled to all discount privileges made available to active faculty.
Bookstore Discounts: Emeritus faculty may receive special discounts at the University Bookstore.

Frequently Asked Questions

FERP faculty may serve on governance committees during their active employment period.

FERP participants may change their “period of employment”, reduce their time base for the duration of their appointment, or elect to end their appointment early by submitting their request in writing to the AVP for Faculty Advancement via department chair/school director and dean.

A participant shall be granted one (1) leave of absence without pay for personal illness for all or part of the period of employment. 

Participants are not eligible for other CSU appointments but may be appointed in a CSU extension or auxiliary during their period of employment, provided they do not participate in CalPERS. The additional appointment “twenty five (25%) overage” limitation applies, please see CBA Article 36 for more information.

The Office of Faculty Advancement will automatically submit retiring tenure-track faculty to the Senate upon receiving their notification to retire/retire and FERP. The faculty member does not need to complete any extra steps for submission.

Emeritus status award letters are issued by the Office of the Provost once final approval of the Senate Minutes are completed. The process usually takes a few months to complete.